Create your individual music compositions

Market music compositions via tonefeed

With the platform tonefeed, we specialize in individual sound design. For you, as a composer, it is a suitable place to qualify for exciting projects through individual, project-related music compositions. With tonefeed, you can come to known. In doing so, we are committed to increasing the perceived value of music and other sounds. You have the chance to make your music compositions available to the clients. In the creation process, you can always involve the client to get feedback. This feedback allows you to design music compositions tailored to a particular project, interact directly with clients, and steer the project in the right direction. Through this platform, you can get long-term partnerships for future projects.

Support us as an artist

Get into the music sector with your music compositions in a simple way

tonefeed gives every artist the chance to get a simpler start in the music sector. We support the composers with different marketing measures. Everyone gets the opportunity to gain big prize money, to grow together, and to be supported by an active community. The artists are not contractually bound to us and can sell music compositions with other providers. We aim to enable artists to live their passion well and get paid fairly. We offer the opportunity to learn from a large community. For this, we have our forum and a Facebook group.

Step by step to your individual music composition

music platform tonefeed how works it step 1

Step 1

Register as an artist and find the right competition for you.

music platform tonefeed how works it step 2

Step 2

Compose your individual composition for the project.

music platform tonefeed how works it step-3

Step 3

Submit your proposal and find out about the client's decision.

music platform tonefeed how works it step 4

Step 3

Coordinate your composition with the client and send him the final version.

Support us as an artist!

Your advantages with tonefeed

Commissioned compositions with individual music compositions

Tenders are the unique selling proposition of tonefeed. Thereby the client gets different musical compositions as a suggestion for his project, from which he can choose the best sound. As an artist, you have the opportunity to participate in as many competitions as you like.

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