
Beatshare GmbH

Meisenstr. 65
33607 Bielefeld

phone: + 49 521 44818320
fax: + 49 521 44818323

Represented by:

Michail Neumann

Register entry:

Entry in the Commercial Register.. Registrar of comanies: District Court Bielefeld Registe number: HRB 43430

Value Added Tax Identification Number:

VAT no. according to §27a Value Added Tax Act: DE 114 103 514

Professional liability insurance::

Net IT by Hiscox, Terrotorial validity: worldwide

Social Media:

This imprint is also applicable for company profiles and employee profiles on the following sites::

Operator of the website and the platform tonefeed

mindbit GmbH
Meisenstr. 65
33607 Bielefeld

Disclaimer – legal aspects

Limitation of liability

The content of this website is created with great care. But the publisher does not accept responsibility for the correctness, accuracy, topicality or completeness of the given information. Using the content of this website is on the users own risk. Articles which are marked by name reflect the author’s but not always the provider’s opinion. By only using the website there will be no contractual relationship between the user and the provider..

External links

This website contains links to third party websites (“external links”). The respective providers are responsible for these websites. The provider of this website has tested the third party contents of the external links at the time of the first connection for legal violations. At this time, legal violations have not been evident. The provider does not have any influence on the present and future design or on the contents of the linked websites. The setting up of external links does not mean that the provider adopts the contents of the reference or link as his own. A constant supervision of the external links without any indication of violations of the law is not reasonable to the provider. External links will be deleted immediately when noticing any violations of the law..

Copyright and neighbouring rights

The content of this website is subject to the German copyright and neighbouring rights law. Each use which is not permitted by the German law needs the previous written agreement of the provider or the rights holder. This applies in particular to the reproduction, manipulation, translation, storing, processing and rendering of content in data bases or other electric mediums or systems. Third party rights and content are marked as such. Unpermitted reproduction and passing on of certain contents or whole pages is not allowed and chargeable. Making copies or downloads is only permitted for private and uncommercial usage. The presentation of this page in different frames is only allowed with written permission..